Astro Weather for the week ending 30th August

There are both Mars and Mercury in which are in good positions for Astrological Talismans at this time.  Saturn is in trip and peregrine in motion placing him farthest from the earth making his true nature of destruction by fires,… (Read more)

Workshop: The Basics to Astrological Magic & Talismans

Workshop:  The Basics to Astrological Magic & Talismans  Date: 2014/06/28 Time: 18:00 – 19:30 EST, 15:00 – 16:30 PST. Register Today: Presented by: Ariana Clausen – Velez In this workshop we will be covering the basics of Astrological magic with… (Read more)

Ariana’s Interview with Susun Weed back in 2013, tune in now and listen in to my interview with Susun Weed. Do enjoy!!! We had an amazing interview discussing the Temple of Diana which just celebrated its’ 10 year Anniversary, my work as a Crafter of the Old… (Read more)

Appulse Lunar Eclipse of 2013 May 25

Appulse Lunar Eclipse of 2013 May 25 19 May 2013     What did the Astrologers of Ninevah and Babylon say about Eclipses? Omens from Eclipses; I have not informed the king, my lord of the account of the eclipse with… (Read more)

Solar Eclipse; 10 May 2013

Being in the second decante of Taurus it shows many issues with travellers will occur, as well as those women who carry to have issues with births, many women will opt for abortions and unwanted pregnancies will occur there will be… (Read more)

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 2012 Nov 28

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 2012 Nov 28 29 October 2012 by Ariana Clausen – Vélez What did the Astrologers of Ninevah and Babylon say about Eclipses? Omens from Eclipses; I have not informed the king, my lord of the account of… (Read more)

Total Solar Eclipse of 2012 Nov 13

Total Solar Eclipse of 2012 Nov 13 07 October 2012 What did the Astrologers of Ninevah and Babylon say about Eclipses? Omens from Eclipses; I have not informed the king, my lord of the account of the eclipse with my own… (Read more)

Webinar-Picatrix and Astrological Magic and Talismans, last week online Kepler College featured Guest Speaker Christopher Warnock, Esq., the webinar was about the Picatrix and Astrological Magic and Talismans.  I am sharing the link here for anyone who would like to listen to the presentation.  It… (Read more)