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The Temple of Diana is proud to introduce its inaugural issue of the Black Walnut. The Black Walnut is the annual anthology of the Temple, its affiliates, and its friends. It is published in the Spring of the Year Cycle. Each issue is centred around the cycle and the Feasts, magic, theurgy and more of the Light and Dark Tidings of the Wheel. Volume I is focused on the Spring to the second Harvest and how each part of nature, astrology, Gods and Goddesses, and wisdom in which we gain is brought together in the first of many publications. Purchase your copy today at Amazon.com or CreateSpace.com.
Contents Vol I
- 5 Heka: Ancient Egyptian Magic by Amarillys Gierbolini (Jera)
- 16 Apotheosis: The Path of the Greek Magoi by Oracle
- 19 Garuda, Zu, Pazuzu, and Melek Taus by Ariana Clausen-Velez
- 40 The Domestic Cult by Jonathan Sousa
- 47 For Hestia by Jonathan Sousa
- 48 Aradia by Lori Bruno
- 49 The Benandanti: An Exploration on their Development by Amunet Rabiah
- 52 Popes of the Benandanti Inquisition by Ariana Clausen-Velez
- 57 A Survey of the Different Types of Hauntings by Amunet Rabiah
- 59 Three Invocations by Annemarie Setti
- 60 From Witch to Devotee by Annemarie Setti
- 64 Astrological Magic by Ariana Clausen-Velez
- 83 Closing Thoughts from the Greenman by Gary “Greenman” Gregory
- 85 Biographical Sketches of the Contributing Authors
- 87 Recommended Goods & Services
The Black Walnut Anthology, Vol II is a book that many contributors works are featured in twice a year. The articles focuses are towards the Old Religion, Philosophy, Divination, the Soul of Magic and more. This volume focuses on the Darker Tidings of the Cycles as we entrée the seasons, of the Dark Michael Feasts, the time when we are seek within to find truth it is a powerful time we entrée. Our contributors are mostly that of Traditional Craft and Astrology. Purchase your copy today at Amazon.com or Createspace.com.
Contents, Vol II:
Introduction Chapter I: Grandmama and the Gypsies, by Dr. Leo Louis Martello Chapter II: Responsibility Equals Magic, by Rev. Lori Bruno, HPs & Elder Chapter III: The Sun King meets the Moon Queen, By Ina Cüsters-van Bergen Chapter IV: Harvest Poem, Charge of the Land, Come Mother Winter & The Blue Crone, by Anthony M. Bertolina Chapter V: An Introduction to Egyptian Theology, For Aphordite, The Invitation of Persephone, and Witches: Our Mythic Orgins, by Jonathon Sousa i.e. known as Nemesis Chapter VI: Faeries of the Black Months, The Dumb Supper: Feasting with the Dead & Black Moon, by Ariana Clausen – Vélez i.e. known as Thme Chapter VII: Psychic Hauntings & The Creation of the Benandanti & Night Battles, by Wanda Pabon Chapter VIII: Rite Timing, by Jonathon Flanery Chapter IX: Druids, by Deborah Reindebach Chapter X: Wise Woman Ways to Prevent Depression, by Susun Weed – Submitted by Lyn Prowse – Bishop Chapter XI: Musings on Religious Fanatism, by Nelson E. Maldonado Ramos Chapter XII: In The Times of the Hanging Trees, by Roxy Riou Closing Words, by Ariana Clausen – Velez
Black Walnut Anthology Vol. III is an amazing collection of works ranging from Occult Practitioners from around the globe, occult authors and practitioners from Australia, Nederland, the Other Side, Puerto Rico, Spain the United States and other countries. We are featuring many authors who have written on their chosen paths, North American Voodoo, Theurgist, Gnostic Paganism and the secret teachings of Jesus and Mary, Sicilian Witchcraft, how to transform your-self to find inner and outer healing, medicinal healing-Green Witchcraft and much more.
As collaborated authors this is one of our best issues yet…
Contents Vol III
- Abracadabra, by Clausen-Velez, Ariana – page 6
- The Feast of Remembrance, by Cooking with Deity – page 8
- The Spanish Witch, by Masmitjà, David Garrido – page 11
- Signs, Coincidences and Manifestations, by Masmitjà, David Garrido – page 13
- The Archetypical Magician, by Cüsters-van-Bergen, Ina –page 18
- Primitive Consciousness and Modern Magical Training, by Cüsters-van-Bergen, Ina – page 23
- Be your own Herbal Expert, pt 1, by Weed, Susun – page 32
- Healing Wise: The Shamanic Herbalist: Power Plants, by Weed, Susun – page 37
- Headaches/Migraines, by Weed, Susun – page 41
- Gnostic Psycho-Synthesis, by Sigan, Tau – page 46
- On the Nature of Gnostic Paganism, by Sigan, Tau – page 54
- Walking with Odin: Death in a Shamanic Context, by Anderson, Katie – page 66
- North American Voodoo and the Underground Railroad, by Witchdoctor Utu – page 70
- Sicilian Witchcraft, by Martello, Dr. Leo L. – page 76
- Transformation of Self is like that of forging a Sword, by Clausen-Vélez, Ariana – page 99
- The Battle for Separation of Religion and State, by Ramos, Nelson E. Maldonado – page 107
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Amazon.com CDN ebook http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/180-0894024-1869013?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Black%20Walnut%20Anthology%20Vol%20III
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Kindle Version Link: Vol III, http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CF2XX9Q
CreateSpace eStore: https://www.createspace.com/4219514
Weird Ways of Witchcraft is the story of the radical Leo Louis Martello, founder of the Witches’ Anti-Defamation League. A pioneer in the Witches’ Liberation Movement of the 1960’s, Martello was one of the most controversial members of the pagan community.
Martello was an outspoken witch who raged against the Catholic Church with his infamous Witch Manifesto. He made history organizing the first Witch-In in Central Park. In his own distinct voice, Martello enlightens, entices, and enchants readers with spells, incantations, and folklore, along with the historic events in contemporary Witch history.
Weird Ways of Witchcraft provides a snapshot in time, when the seeds of the Neopagan movement and the teachings of witchcraft began to spread and become popular with the generation that variously called itself hippies, flower children, and the counterculture. These were heady days of women’s liberation, gay liberation—a revolt against church, state and the way things were.
Reverend Lori Bruno is a Hereditary Strega priestess, a Medium, Clairvoyant, and Psychic. She is the founder of Our Lord and Lady of the Trinacrian Rose Church and the Sacred Paths Alliance Network (SPAN), a charitable organization. She lives in Salem, MA.
Purchase your copy today at Weiser Red Wheel at Amazon.com via Kindle or Print.
Dr. Leo Louis Martello was a Sicilian Stregone and High Priest, author, lecturer, gay rights activist, and an early voice in the American Neopagan movement. He founded the Witches Anti-Defamation League as well as the Witches Liberation Movement. See all titles by this author
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