Temple of Diana, Inc. is a Non-Profit, 501 (c) 3, Religious Organization Incorporated in the Commonwealth with a Chapter located in the Northwestern State of Oregon.
Crafters & Followers of the Old Religion as brought down to the Earth from the Queen of Heaven Diana herself. Honouring, Venerating & Serving Diana and Apollo as their Priestesses and Priests here on Earth!!!
Sophia Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God
Apollo Aradia Diana
The Temple of Diana is dedicated to the Continental European Craft, with a particular focus upon European Mysteries and Hermeticism as taught during the Italian Renaissance. While the Temple’s official pantheon encompasses a Southern Itallic framework, individual members are encouraged to work with the Deities that call to them individually, our Priestesses and Priests all follow their own individual paths while working as a body to honour the Gods herein.
Our foci as an organization is service to the Ancient Gods our Ancestors honouring both the God & Goddess, the feminine and masculine in order to maintain balance in all things; to humanity, and to ourselves. How these objectives are obtained varies – from Temple specific projects to individual endeavors. Our Craft priesthood is a 24/7 day of our lives.
Temple of Diana, Inc. is a Non-Profit, 501 (c) 3, Religious Organization Incorporated in the Commonwealth of Mass and Oregon.
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Contact Rev. HPs Darcie Vélez , today for your Traditional Astrology or Tarot Consultation.
In the Media
2013 21st of March; Ariana was interviewed by Susun Weed Green Witch and Master Herbalist on her radio show. We will be discussing areas of traditional astrology, the Black Walnut Anthology and the Craft in general. A link following the interview will be posted for those who would like to listen into the show to enjoy at a later date.
The Spiral Dance w/Hawthorne: The Nemoralia; at the Temple of Diana , this is the show in which I was interviewed on this past August for the Temple of Diana. It is a radio show with my interview in the show. Enjoy the music, http://www.blubrry.com/player/?e=1118033&p=2572
An Interview with Peter Kingsley on the Radio Show, GodSpeed, listen to his interview.
Interviews by Peter Kingsley may be found on his web site, here, enjoy listening the show.