Tag Archive: October

Dumb Supper

Feast of the Dead © 2009 ~ By Ariana Clausen – Velez Revised 2011 What is the Dumb Supper?  The Dumb Supper is a sacred rite in which is dedicated to those Ancestors, those who have recently passed over and… (Read more)

Feast of Mongfind i.e. Samhain (so wín)

Many Blessed and Greetings to All this Féile Moingfhinne i.e. Feast of Mongfind, Samhain, and Feast of the Dead. This is the time in which we honour those who came before us, our Ancestors those who came from the roots… (Read more)

Astro Weather of the Week 13 October-19th October

Astro Weather of the Week 13 October-19th October Mars is in Term and moving into exaltation—Good for talismans Jupiter is in exaltation–Great for Talismans for Prosperity, Success and Fortune Venus is in Term—Good for Talismans In the Fixed Stars Spica… (Read more)