Tag Archive: Healing

Can the Moon Affect Healing?

http://guardianlv.com/2013/07/can-the-moon-affect-healing/ This is a great article, and as a healer as well as a Traditional Astrologer and Spiritual Mentor I work with energy all the time, I have done readings for people who have gotten ill and this is called Medical… (Read more)

Sublime Generosity, Rumi

    I was dead, then alive, Weeping then laughing.   The power of love came into me, And I became fierce like a lion, Then tender like the evening star.   He said, “You’re not mad enough. You don’t… (Read more)

Blessed Summer Solstice

Magic is all around you all you have to do is look Inside of Yourself. As we come to the Magical Season of the Summer Solstice a time of the Solar God Ra, Apollo, Ra Horakaty, Lugh, in the Eastern… (Read more)

Home Remedies for the Cold and Flu Season

In this season we again are up against those nasty colds and flus.  Every year I make homemade remedies as needed when either myself or my husband get a wee bug.  This year, I got it from inhaling toxic fumes… (Read more)