Planets and our Fate
I have been seeing a lot of this in clients charts at birth, many wonder why they have so many afflictions throughout life. The eighth house is the house where many issues arise and it said that when you have… (Read more)
Darcie Vélez Psychic & Spiritual Healer, Witch
"Through the Flames of Fire Comes Transformation"
Astro Weather for 27 Feb 2014 PST Sun in Pisces Jupiter is in exaltation Venus is in her own element-Touch to get through too very strong willed and headed, wants things her own way and that is that. Holding onto… (Read more)
Astro Weather of the Week 13 October-19th October Mars is in Term and moving into exaltation—Good for talismans Jupiter is in exaltation–Great for Talismans for Prosperity, Success and Fortune Venus is in Term—Good for Talismans In the Fixed Stars Spica… (Read more)
Astro Weather for 14 Jul. 13 Moon is in Libra in the 13th Moon Mansion the mansion of sex and love, alchemical marriage, conjunction, erotic bondage. Sun is in Cancer in his face (weak) Mars is in Triplicity conjunct Jupiter… (Read more), this is a great article focusing on the Ancients way of reading the stars I especially enjoyed near the end where they put the house circle in its’ original placement of how it was dating back to the time… (Read more)