Book your Blessed Samhain, New Year Reading w/Ariana today!!!
Call Ariana today and book your Samhain New Year reading today, she is available on the weekends, and during the entire Samhain/Halloween weekend. She may be reached at 978-210-2423.
Darcie Vélez Psychic & Spiritual Healer, Witch
"Through the Flames of Fire Comes Transformation"
We have a great aspect with Jupiter being in exaltation and with this we can work with him to aid in success, fortune and prosperity and good luck. When we work with him he has to be in either his… (Read more)
I have had this book for many years, it is a book of various spells that aid Magicians in manifesting that of fertility, protection, healing, prosperity and more. In this work Laura Perry covers ancient cultures such as the Celts,… (Read more)