Adoration of Diana
Adapted from ~~Lady Sheba’s
© by Rev. HPS Ariana Silver
O My Goddess, Diana, hear my songs of adoration,
Hear my voice when I sing Thy name. Hear my
songs as they rise to the Celestial, when the Full Moon,
brightly shining, fills the Universe with Thy beauty.
O my beautiful Moon Goddess, hear me as I stand
before Thee. See me when I reach toward the Celestial realms,
when my arms reach upward toward Thee. When
the Full Moon shines upon me give me Thy
blessings, O Diana, Teach me of Thine ancient mysteries,
ancient rites of invocation that the Holy she spoke
of Thy shining glory, when she told us to entreat Thee,
told us when we seek for knowledge
to seek and find Thee above all others. Give us
wisdom O Diana: how to bind our oppressors,
how to cure the sick amoung us. Teach me, O Diana, Give me
Thy Blessings, O Great Moon Goddess.
Shield me from my oppressors. Receive me as your daughter,
Diana. Receive me though I am earth-bound. Grant
me ancient Witches knowledge.
When my body lies resting nightly, speak unto thy
inner spirit; teach me all Thy Holy mysteries.
I believe Thine ancient Promise. Thy promise unto
the Ancient Witches that we who see Thy Holy presence
will receive of Thy Wisdom. Now the Full Moon
shines upon me. Hear Me! I stand before Thee!
Grant me Wisdom! O Diana! Shield me from my oppressors!
Teach me Thine Holy mysteries! I sing in Thy Honour unto
the realms of the Celestial and the Underworld.
Let Thy glory shine about me.
Bless us, O gracious Queen of the Witches.
Descend Thou amoung us; descend and conquer.
Powerful Moon Goddess and Queen of Witches
This is how we are defined as a WITCH.
By Thought, Word, and Deed
We True Witches Honour Thee
So Shall it Be!!!