Tag Archive: Saturn

Astro Weather of the Week 13 October-19th October

Astro Weather of the Week 13 October-19th October Mars is in Term and moving into exaltation—Good for talismans Jupiter is in exaltation–Great for Talismans for Prosperity, Success and Fortune Venus is in Term—Good for Talismans In the Fixed Stars Spica… (Read more)

Can the Moon Affect Healing?

http://guardianlv.com/2013/07/can-the-moon-affect-healing/ This is a great article, and as a healer as well as a Traditional Astrologer and Spiritual Mentor I work with energy all the time, I have done readings for people who have gotten ill and this is called Medical… (Read more)

Pluto in Capricorn

Why am I writing about this?  On a blog I follow I came across an article where the writer was comparing this placement to perfection, elitist behavior and of course of those who are without empathy.  This was my response…. (Read more)