Annual Solar Eclipse 2012 May 20

Annual Solar Eclipse 2012 May 20 What did the Astrologers of Ninevah and Babylon say about Eclipses?  Omens from Eclipses;  I have not informed the king, my lord of the account of the eclipse with my mouth, I have not yet… (Read more)

Total Lunar Eclipse of the 2011 June 15

Total Lunar Eclipse of the 2011 June 15 By Ariana Clausen – Vélez, Reverend and HPs 03 May 2011 What did the Astrologers of Ninevah and Babylon say about Eclipses?  Omens from Eclipses;  I have not informed the king, my… (Read more)

Partial Solar Eclipse of the 2011 June 1

Partial Solar Eclipse of the 2011 June 1 By Ariana Clausen – Vélez, Reverend and HPs 15 April 2011 What did the Astrologers of Ninevah and Babylon say about Eclipses?  Omens from Eclipses;  I have not informed the king, my lord of… (Read more)