Jupiter Talisman 2

We have a great aspect with Jupiter being in exaltation and with this we can work with him to aid in success, fortune and prosperity and good luck. When we work with him he has to be in either his… (Read more)

The Face of Diana

The Face of Diana, is one of many faucets she is a Mother, a Hunter, Protector, Daughter, Sister, Wife, she is a Queen in which she requires great sacrifice of her Priestesses and loves all creatures and humanity. She is… (Read more)

Camomile Magical and Medicinal

Camomile Magical and Medicinal By Ariana Clausen – Vélez Camomile from many cultures is one of the oldest flowers used both medicinally and magickally. Within the Cherokee it was associated with three different elements that of Air and East, Fire… (Read more)

Feline Magic

Feline’s were and are a sacred creature of the night and magic as well as walkers between the realms and of the Underworld.