Feline Magic & Book of Shadows

© Rev. Ariana Clausen – Vélez

2003 Revised 2006 Feb 17

Introduction to Feline Magic

What is it about the cat that we are so drawn to? This answer may vary depending upon who you ask. Myself, it is many things about her that I am drawn to, her power, her gentleness, her aggressive, her eyes, the way she carries herself and all that she gives in her love.

I have owned many in my life and in this life time only a few. My first one came to me from a neighbour. She was black bright green eyes. She was always there for me, even if I wasn’t for her. She was a wonderful, powerful cat named Black Widow [Widow for short]. She was a Pisces, amazingly intuitive as to when I was home from my trips. She was a free-spirited cat and one of my strongest familiars. I had her for many years until she fell ill and I had to put her down. That was the hardest time in my life. I felt like I had lost the one person who was always next to me. She slept with me, woke me up, took care of me when I was sick, made me laugh when I was sad, and did all the things a best friend would do. I began to see visions of her. Images would appear before me, and when I would instantly slip into a trance. Then, one day she spoke. She told me that she was fine and would always be there……. and yes, would return to me one day. I have always too this day, cherished her in my life; and I always will.

Eight years later, I was in a salon where one of the hairdressers had a carrier with her. Inside was little, 15-day old black kitten. Instantly the kitten leapt towards me wanting me too pet her. Well, I went home and asked my husband [boyfriend at the time] if I could bring her home. He agreed. I went to pick her up the following week. Her name is Onyx, born on Aug 8, 2000. She is a Leo with a Gemini Rising and a Pisces Moon. She is very much a gem and a familiar.

In talking about my familiars, in the past few years more have come and gone than I would have ever imagined. After Onyx came, then less than a year later another came to me on the Full Moon of Samhain. I had seen her around the house before; but on this particular night, she made her significance known to me.

The moon was at its’ fullest power and bright orange too. My stones were in the front yard, cleansing and charging in the circle. She appeared outside my office. Appeared and we chatted for some time through the door. Her name was Agatha, and she eventually became a permanent part of the house.

On January 29, 2001 she was hit by a car. As a result, I created a ‘Spirit Call Spell’ for Felines, included in the Feline Book of Shadows Lesson. There are other lessons that cover other areas of the Feline and her Magic as well.

The cat is an interesting being as I have come to learn. They are not owned by humans. They are very watchful. When they choose you as a friend, they will watch you, from afar, for a time. This is to see how you are, how you act, how you treat others [humans and animals], and, many in my experience, how you respect their surroundings. Only then will they choose whom to live with for the time that is needed. They are truly wonderful friends. In choosing you, they are telling you that you are being blessed with their presence.

Cats are great hunters, and love to share trophies with their human counterparts, I can only say so much there. I have had more than my share, though some not so good in appearance. They expect to be treated properly, pampered, spoiled and allowed too come and go as they wish.

History of the Feline

It is all too common knowledge these days where the history begins, Egypt since around 2600 B.C.E.

In Egypt the cat is the most worshipped of all the animals. It is a punishment of death if anyone were to kill a cat. They worshipped the following deities; Bastet, Pasht, Ubastet, Sekhmet, Set, and Ra. All were with cat heads and human formed bodies. Set and Ra were with the male human body. Ra was the Sun god, Pasht was the aggressive side to Bastet, Sekhmet was the lion figured one and loved blood. Set, we know was known to have murdered his brother Osiris.

So what about the treatment of the feline and how they were revered? Well, they were sometimes considered more important than the human counterpart themselves. If a house was seen burning down, it was the fireman’s job to get the cat out first and then go back for the human. If a person was seen purposely harming a cat, they would be put to death. This was considered an act worse than murder. Now, too in some cases mobs would be seen ripping a person limb from limb if they witnessed this person harming a cat. This was a very common occurrence in Egypt cultures.

What of the meaning nine lives? Well, this simply meant that a cat could only live nine separate lives as a cat. Meaning it could reincarnate nine times to a cat form, and no more. Now, when a cat completed this cycle it was a time of great mourning for the family’s involved. They would shave off their eyebrows, this was considered too be full mourning upon their death. Because, once this happened they could no longer incarnate into a cat, from this point on they would reincarnate into other life forms.

The funeral rites were very important to the Egyptians in how they buried their cats. They would be embalmed, with various herbs, oils, drugs, and spices. Depending on the families status they would then wrapped the cat in either plain or multi-coloured linen. Following this paper mache’ or a sculptured wooden mask would be placed over the cat’s head, and then too they would carefully cover this with either plain or multi-coloured linen. Painted and then decorated with the finest of gold, if the family could afford such luxuries. Once the mummification was completed they would then be placed into a mummy case, along with the necessary afterlife objects and foods. If this was for a kitten of course the case would be smaller and the metal bronze instead of gold.

The Egyptian word for cat is Máu, likely based for the sound that cats made.  The Egyptian word for lion is Maáu, however, the meaning of the word is light, and this eluding to the Sun god Ra. In Sanskrit the word for cat is ‘’margaras’’, meaning hunter, in Hindu ‘’cleaner’’, Aryan ‘’ghad’’, Latin ‘’cattus’’, French ‘’chat’’, Italian ‘’gatto’’, German ‘’katze’’, and Arabic ‘’ kittah’’. Original origins for the cat are believed to have come from the Greek word ‘’catus’’, meaning acute.

In the occult cats are viewed as being all knowing, all seeing, and with great psychic abilities. It is even said that if a cat allows you to look into their eyes long enough, you will see the land of the fey and the underworld. This is a rear blessing if one allows this of their human counterpart. They are known for predicting all kinds of weather, natural disasters [prodigies], and omens and portends. I usually know what kind of weather to expect, as Onyx is like a weather man, and she is always on target. She is observant and very powerful.

The Black cat that is most associated to the Underworld as many see it as an omen of death and many unless a Witch will not own a black cat out of fear of the connection it has to the Underworld.  It is mostly connected to the Underworld by the colour it carries as well as the associations to both Hel and Hecate.

Then you must remember that in the old days, during the burning times as well as the Celtic and Druids feared the cat, whether it be black, white, yellow, gold, because it was believed to be a Witch that had shape shifted into a cat to bring harm and/or death to anyone it visited in the night.  Also, being that the cat is nocturnal and most do go out and play during the late hours of the night this too associates them with the Underworld.  Druids on the night of Samhain would take all the cats they could gather and burn them alive.  This was how they believed to release the evil energy from the cat in which they saw as a Witches Imp to carry out dark works.  And cats carry messages to their friends that they choose to live with from the Spirit World and if allowed to look into their eyes you will see another realm behind them, that of the Underworld.

Later in history the cat was associated with witchcraft, and causing harm at the wish of their human counterpart. And this caused a great fear of the feline by many people. So, much so that they created a device that was a cat trap, called the “cat o gan”. It was a musical instrument that was used to entrap as many as 20 at a time, their tails being pulled by a mechanism that made them meow in grave pain. The cat o gan remained in use for exactly 100 years. However, during the hunts some were lucky enough to have escaped the hunts and tortures of their organs being removed and races that were used to torture these beautiful beings. They escaped a most interesting way, by way of ship. They were a welcomed site, as they keep the rodent population down and became then a favourite pet of the human. This was the time of the 1700’s.

The Little White Cat

[Folk song from the Gaelic]

18th Century

Anonymous—Translated by Mrs. Costello of Tuam

The little grey cat was walking prettily,

When she found her little son stretched dead

And ‘twas only a year since her family

Were cast out and drowned in a trench.

The little white cat, white, white, white,

The little white cat, Breed’s cat.

The little white cat, snowy white

That was drowned in a trench.

The little mother stood upright,

When she found her little son dead;

She brought him in and made a bed for him,

And then began to lament him.

The little white cat, white, white, white,

The little white cat, Breed’s cat.

The little white cat, snowy white

That was drowned in a trench

Andrew, the blind, had some of her family,

And they came together to lament him,

I am sure if Barry hears it,

He will regret the death of the Breed’s cat.

The little white cat, white, white, white,

He broke no chest, nor lock of the neighbours,

Nor did he destroy the cows’ butter.

And you never heard such discourse,

As the mice had in telling it.

The little white cat, white, white, white

His eye was grey, his walk was pretty,

His step was light and active:

And I’d rather far be going to the clay

Than the province of Munster should hear of it.

The little white cat, white, white, white,

The little white cat would hump his back.

As big as a three pint jug.

Wasn’t he a fine show for the gentry to see,

Poll, Breed’s pretty little cat?

The little white cat, white, white, white,

Walter’s Martin will put a wooden coffin on him,

And it’s he that is able.

And were it not for the time at which he died

We should have every cause for lamenting

The little white cat, white, white, white,

The little white cat, Breed’s cat.

The little white cat, snowy white

That was drowned in a trench.

Feline Associations

Here you will learn of various associations to the feline, herbs, deities, witches and shape-shifters, and even the elements that they rule.

Deities with Feline Associations:

These are just a few of the deities that are associated with the feline species, however, there are many others. Many of the deities not listed below are not commonly known to be associated with the feline in any way.

Ahriman; God

Persian, thought to have been the first personification of the Devil” because Zoroastrians believed in a completely dualistic for of religion. Associations: All cats.

Anait: Goddess

Phoenician, Canaan, Ur and Persia. She is seen as The High, Powerful, and Immaculate. She carried an Ankh and wore horns and a Moon disk. Association: Lion.

Apollo: God

Greek. He is of Life force and vitality, creativity, and self-expression. He is viewed as the Sun God and Lord of the Year. Association: Lion.

Artemis: Goddess

Greek. Sister to Apollo, she was also the goddess of wild things and places. She was also the Mistress of Magic, and aiding in the healing of wild animals and mountains. Association: Cats.

Attis: God

Middle East. The second face of Cybele, as well as beloved by her, but he refused her love. He ruled over fertility, and growth in Asia Minor. Association: Lion.

Bacchus: God

Roman. He is depicted as a youthful figure wearing ivy or grape crown and carrying a wand or thyrsus. Upon the Christian was renamed as St. John the Baptist, as depicted in a painting done by Leonardo da Vinci in 1510-19. Also, he frequently rides in a chariot drawn by leopards. Association: Panthers.

Bastet: Goddess

Egyptian: She rules over protection, fertility, gentleness, and is depicted with the body of a female and the head of a cat. Associations: Cats, and Lynx.

Cybele: Goddess

Greece and Phrygia. Known as Mother Goddess of Phrygia [modern day Turkey]. She later became identified as the Roman Manga Mater, or Great Mother. She was considered in her myth to be of the first being, and of equal energy to both the female and male. Association: Lion

Damkina/Damgalnuna: Goddess

Mesopotamia. In the Akkadian language, her name means ‘’lady of the earth’’, and she was to the Sumerians the earth mother familiar to us in Greece as Demeter and in Rome as Tellus Mater. Association: Lion.

Diana: Goddess

Roman. She is today confused with the goddess Artemis, because of a familiar picture of both being lightly clad, bow-bearing goddess who rides the Moon or strides through the forest with the nymphs. However, she is the original “Queen of the Open Sky, worshipped only the out of doors, and possibly was the ruler of the sun and moon. Her name comes from the word “light”. She is also known as the Queen of Witches in Rome and her main association was with the white cat. Her day of feast is August 15th. Association: Cats.

Dionysus: God

Greece. He is the God of intoxication and wine, just as his counterpart Bacchus. His court included female Bacchanites, nymphs, fauns, and satyrs. He was the only god that was born twice, and was fathered by the serpentine Zeus and Persephone, other says his mother was Semele. Dionysus’ represents both earth and water, and resurrection and dead. There is much about Dionysus, but he was one of few gods that had the most associations to the feline species. Associations: Cheetah, Lion, Leopard, Panther, and the Tiger.

Durga: Goddess

India, and Hindu. Born from the flames by gods, and said to be the first female divinity in the universe. Her power alone was stronger than the gods who brought her to life. The goddess in this form symbolizes the fierce power of the combat against all evil, but also the rule of the intellectual sphere. Durga is unapproachable, represents the end to all things. Seen mounted on a lion to defeat the demon Mahisa, and in the end destroys and slaughters him and frees the earth. Associations: Lion and Tiger.

Eros: God

Greece. He is the god of love and desire; some say that he was the son of Aphordite and Ares. Because of his mother he loses some of the power over love and desire, and is considered to be more of a companion to it instead. He is in Roman mythology known as Cupid. He is seen riding on the back of a lion. Association: Lion.

Other associations not mentioned above are; Mafdet, Mut, Pakhit, Pasht, Inanna, Isis, Ra, Osiris, Hathor, Bes, Neith, Nut, Maat, Pakhet, Tefnut, Lillith, Freya, Brighid, Ceridwen, the Cailleach, Annis, and Hel. However, there are more than this associated to the cat power animal.

Herbs Associated to the Feline:

There are only a couple of herbs that are associated with the feline. The two herbs associated with the feline are catnip and valerian root. Now, it is not common knowledge, but not all cats are drawn to the taste or smell of catnip. This is true in cases when the herb is planted in seed form, if transplanted they are more apt to be drawn to the aroma of the catnip. Catnip essential in its purest form is used to repel mosquitoes, when used in a diffuser and burned. Catnip is also used for repelling nightmares. Add catnip juice to your wine and drink will aid in healing bruises. It attracts bees. Hung over ones’ doorway attracts good spirits. Catnip has a lot of different uses, but for cats it is like a play pen and it is easy to plant a small patch to deter them from using your main herb garden and a bathroom. It is also good to use in cat Magic when wanting a psychic connection between yourself and you’re familiar.

Catnip is ruled by the planet of Venus, and Element of Water. It is associated to four goddesses, all associated to the cat, Bastet, Cerridwen, Freya, and Sekhmet. It is known also by Cat’s Wort, Field Balm, Cat, Catrup, Nepoet, Nip and Cat’s delight.

Valerian Root is a long time favourite of witches for bonding with their cats’, and for attracting the likes of a cat familiar, totem or ally. This herb also was known to attract some forms of the wild folk [i.e.], the fey. The fey were sometimes known for shape-shifting into white cats [this being a favourite colour of the fey for their dresses]. Also, it was a colour associated with death and is often part of a fairy name for either a king or queen of the fey.

Various Associations:

Cats are also associated with the Underworld Goddesses, because of their ability to reproduce. They are also thought to be practically fairies themselves on the Isle of Man [an island in the Irish Sea].

Plant allies to the cat are the fir and pine tree. They are associated with the element of earth, and the directions of north east, and south east.

They are a nocturnal being, so if you look close enough to their eyes you will notice that they appear different depending on the phase of the moon.

There are two associations to fertility, reproducing of many litters and prey upon rodents, snakes and other animals that could destroy ones’ crop for the harvesting. In that they protect your crop so it will produce healthy. In Egypt newlyweds receive and wear cat amulets.

There are many associations to the cat and not all are good, some are perceived as bad and evil.

Witches and cats were how most identified a cat familiar. Black cats were most common among the witches. Some were said to shape-shirt into cats, and would go to do the work of the devil. Many witches have been associated with the cat and many even tortured and died. One of the most famous familiars of all time is a familiar by the name of Pyewackett. Now, because of the name alone is why this one was associated with the witch, as it was said no human could create such a name for household pet.

Some of the more famous ones would be Isobel Gowdie, known as the Queen of Witches in Scotland, Agnes and Joan Waterhouse, Elizabeth Frances of England, Catherine Montvoisin known as La Voison, and many others.

Isobel Gowdie revealed that she cast a spell in order to transform into a cat and go out too do the work of the devil, and when done would transform back into human form once again. She was known as his bride. She is the only one who was not accused when she confessed of being a witch.

So there is much to the mystical and powerful feline, her associations are just as strong as all that surrounds her.

Feline Astrology

You are probably what does astrology has to do with the feline. Well a lot, it is just as important as it would be for us when we are born. We all know that our characteristics are determined by the day, time, location of our birth, in that the planets are lined up at certain times of one’s birth. That is how we determine how one’s life will be dealt with, obstacles that you have to overcome, journeys and when they happen in life, early, mid, or later in life. How we communicate with one another, and ultimately get along with others around us. Well it is the same for the feline, as it is for humans. In that they too have an astrology makeup. This determines in most cases how they will get along with their human counterparts, as well as with other felines. Believe it or not they do not like everyone.

This is very important tool in Magic working as some cats are not meant to be familiars, but only pets, and others may come along that you are meant to work Magic with instead. So, be careful to find that the counterparts of the zodiac they carry are compatible as to not cause problems between the two. Familiars will come to you in the time of casting Magic and/or guide you to what you are to learn and then just leave when you least expect them to, or they will go on their way once casting is completed. A pet stays with you all the times and shares your life.

Further into the article, I will go over her chart so that you have an understanding, but first I would like to go over the forms of astrology that is important in determining if you are compatible with your feline counterpart and him/her too you.

Note: I will not go into detail as to how to read a natal chart as that alone would take up 30 pages or more. If you are interested I would suggest taking a course in Astrology.

Brief history of Astrology

I will only cover the basic as it there is much involved with astrology and how it works. This will take one many years to learn, but it is well worth the time.

The Egyptians were very serious about their felines and how they were treated, they were considered more important than the human counterparts/friends that took care of them. So, you can only imagine how they viewed the stars in the personality of the feline.

They follow what is called a Cairo Calendar, this in itself was separated into three major seasons in the year. The first being called, Inundation [pronounced akhet] this was the season in which the Nile flooded its banks and farmlands was covered in water. This lasted from approx June 21 to Oct 21. The second Emergence [pronounced proyet} was when the water receded. This season was from Oct 21 to Feb 21. And last was Summer [pronounced shomu} lasted from Feb 21 to June 21.

There were exactly 360 days to their calendar and added five days to allow for discrepancy. These were known as New Year’s Day, which they called “the opening of the year”.

This was there form of astrology, and depending on the day it would be considered favourable, adverse, very adverse, this is how they determined their day to day life.

Now the system they use for astrology is very different. Even in modern days they follow this form of astrology. Depending on the day you were born, or your feline in this case also determined which deity you were associated with, and this in turn determined much. The same way our western system determines who we are, and what we are too expect in life.

Egyptian Astrology

Below are the dates and associated deities and their counterparts to those dates of birth: Now this can apply to both the human and feline counterparts. But do remember that most felines are of human spirits and indeed are really human too. Some are very wise and powerful.

January 1 – 7th, June 19-28th, Sept 1 – 7th, and Nov 18 – 26th:

The Nile

These characteristics are that of a peace-maker, lovers of refined things, receptive to the materials in their surroundings. Powerful ambitions and transformation. Counterparts/Related Signs: Seth, Osiris, Horus, and Thoth as well as Anubis. Associated with the months of Proyet, Shomu, and Akhet

January 8 – 21st & February 1 -11th:


Wheel of Time. Solar God. Life is a challenge; you will feel the need to be of a higher level of spirituality. Headed towards great things. Counterparts/Related Signs: The Nile and Horus. Associated with the month of Proyet.

January 22 – 31st & Sept 8 – 22nd:


Most ancient of the deities in Egypt. You will be secretive and be one that is nostalgic in life. All of life is too seek out that of a father figure for protection and security. Counterparts/Related Signs: Ra and Thoth. Associated with the months of Proyet and Akhet.

February 12 -29th & Aug 20 – 31st:


Creator, beginning of the world, the earth, principle of unity between worlds. This person and or feline will be highly sensitive and easily impressioned, empathic, protector, not vain. Human side is the same with careers in the creative fields. Counterparts/Related Signs: Seth and Horus. Associated to both the months of Proyet and Akhet.

Mars 1 -10th & Nov 27 – Dec 18th:


Duality, generous, fiery and vulnerable, you do not like confrontation, and you weigh before confronting a situation. Counterparts/Related Signs: Isis and Thoth. Associated with the months of Proyet and Akhet/Proyet.

Mars 11 – 31st, Oct 18 -29th, and Dec 19 -31st:


This is one of the most demanding signs. There is much dimension to her, and in that you will be one that is of hospitable means, unifying, and you love harmony. You are both a giver and protector of life, and you must be perceptive to others around you. Counterparts/Related Signs: Osiris and Thoth. Associated to the months of Proyet/Shomu, Akhet, and Shomu.

April 1 – 19th, and Nov 8-17th:


Excellent memory, enthusiastic, dislike meanness towards others. A risk taker, but with challenge. Dependable and honest values and morals. This is the sacred bird of Isis. Counterparts/Related Signs: Bastet and Isis. Associated to the months of Shomu, and Akhet.

April 14 – May 8 and Aug 12 -19th:


You will have strong will power and are good at finding hidden secrets, intelligent, and an excellent student in all things. But one must learn how to control the free spirit young, or this will be a hindrance later in life. Deeply psychic that comes from a strong connection of ones feminine side. Goddess connected. Counterparts/Related Signs: Geb and Bastet. Associated to the months of Shomu and Akhet.

May 9 -27 and June 29 – July 13th:


Compassionate, and clever. A strong connection to your darker side. Suffering can draw them to become an introverted personality. Very aware of the energies that lye deep within. Counterparts/Related Signs: Bastet and Isis. Associated to the month of Shomu.

May 28th – June 18th and Sept 28th – Oct 2nd:


Always looking for change and in search of who they are, and the wholeness that comes with it. Balance in life. Life is full of journeys and experiences, whether it be good or bad experiences, before really finding themselves. Mistakes are made many times over in life, before learning from them and moving forwards. They always seek out for knowledge and wisdom. Free spirit and a wanderer. Counterparts/Related Signs: Geb and The Nile. Associated to the month of Shomu.

July 14 – 28th, Sept 23 -27th, and Oct 3 -17th:


A need for balance and harmony in relationships, both friends and partners. They are protectors and very devoted to their loved ones. They do tend to ignore their own needs from time to time. They have great inner strength and agility and easily can sense their enemies. Strong psychic senses. Good in business and in matters of the heart. Counterparts/Related Signs: Sekhmet and Horus. Associated to the months of Shomu and two of the opening of the year days. These days are very sacred to the Egyptians and if one could name them all they were guaranteed a long and prosperous life ahead. Then the month of Akhet.

Now the day of procession for Bastet is on Sept 9, Day 10 of the Second Month of Akhet during the season of the Inundation.  Her feast day which is shared with Sekhmet is on Nov 13, Day 15 of the Fourth Month of Akhet still in the season of Inundation.  Her procession day would be under the western sign of Virgo and her feast day would be under the western sign of Scorpio.

July 29th – Aug 11th, and Oct 30th – Nov 7th:


Very telepathic, observant, not one to self-indulge. They are both pure and impure, chaos and harmony, and are bestowed with majestic grace, as is the lion. They tend to have secret desires. Counterparts/Related Signs: Bastet and Geb. Associated to three of the open of the year days, and Akhet.

Now that we have covered the Egyptians, now let us view modern day astrology, and compare the relations to it. Now, one might think that we could also use Celtic Astrology for this area of Magick, but the Celtic were not known lovers of the feline, nor did they own them as household pets. They associated the feline to the fey and in effect feared the feline.

Modern Feline Astrology

Aries: March 21 – April 19

They like to be noticed and are quite demanding, if closed in can be damaging to ones house, by spraying, tearing up furniture and such. They are aggressive, quick tempered, adventurous by nature, curious and brave. They love humans, and too play with them, and they excite easy. They are well known for crashing with their heads into objects or say for instance a wall.

Human and feline counter parts that are best suited are the Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius. Ruled by the planet Mars.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

These ones love food and comfort. Simple surroundings are pleasing to their way of life. Not a complainer if pampered. Highly fear the loss of security, and habit forming. They like routine and get upset when it is broken for any reason. They are patient and loving. Can be stubborn. They love to talk a lot, and will chat till you respond back to them in the form of a meowing talk.

Human and feline counterparts that are best suited are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Ruling planet is Venus.

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Very talkative, great communicator, they are hard to keep quite as they tend to like the sound of their voice. This is a cat that you need to talk with on a regular basis, as they love to communicate, you can talk with them on an intelligent level, or communicate back in their language. Either way this will make them happy. Like all Gemini’s they will bore easily and will be fickle and need to be doing something at all times. Dinner must be the same time each night, or we get cranky. Attention is a must, as we are restless beings, both the human and animal. This sign loves to be the centre of attention, and can be very charming. We are also adaptable to movement and change. They will go back and forth between going outside and coming in to be with you. This sign is one with many characteristics and a joy, if able to keep up with them. This is Onyx’s Ascendant sign.

Human and feline counterparts that are best suited are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Ruling planet is Mercury.

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Cancer cats are great house cats as this sign rules over the home. This sign easily attaches him/her to the family, and will stay close by if outside of the home. They make great mothers, as this is the maternal nature of the Cancer cat. Now, in this sign you will find that the male cat will also take a hand at tending to the litter and this is one of very few males’ that stay close to home, after mating with the mother feline. They are a great deal like that of the human, hurt easily, sensitive, giving, protective in a loving way, strong intuition, jealously, and more. This is Onyx’s true node.

Human and feline counterparts that are best suited are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Ruling planet is the Moon.

Leo: July 23 – Aug 22

Here we have the ruler of the jungle, king of the throne, masculine, hunter, predator, and leader. Now, in the case of the Leo cat, you will find that their physical features may resemble that of a Lion and carry a crown upon their head. In Onyx’s case people sometimes mistake her for being a male cat, when indeed Onyx is a female cat. She is very strong, carries a crown on her head, and had the sneaky eyes of a hunter on the attack. She is protective of her home and her family. She loves to sleep, and she is generous to a point. She only accepts certain felines into the home and others forget it. Stay out, or die is her motto. She is the spoiled one and this the Leo cat loves. Now, in my case, she will eat dinner at the table with my husband and I, assist in the preparing of dinner, watch over the stove to make sure no one takes what is hers, and so on. She has the best of everything and expects this daily. She is seriously spoiled and a snot, and loves to show off. She does not let anyone just touch her. This is the down fall on spoiling the Leo cat.

Human and feline counterparts that are best suited are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Ruling planet is the Sun.

Virgo: Aug 23 – Sept 22

Here we come to the tidy cat; this one hates messes and will not tolerate them at all. This one is most likely to enjoy bathes and having there claws trimmed and made to look nice.

Very loyal and rather choosy in whom they pick as friends to live with, not just anyone will do. Virgo cats are very loving and affectionate. If hurt or made angry will always remember what you did to hurt them in any way. Very intelligent and they love to think things through before making a decision. Security is very important to the Virgo cat, and the will appreciate you for giving them a warm home. Sometimes you will notice that they do not make up their minds easily, they will go back and forth on what kind of food they like to eat. So, it is good to keep a variety close at hand. This is Onyx’s ruling Moon as well as her IC {Imum Coeli }

Human and feline counterparts that are best are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Ruling planet is Mercury.

Libra: Sept 23 – Oct 22

Here we have the graceful cat and rather mellow. This is one cat who loves to be loved. Attention of all kinds is their favourite; flattery will take you far with this sign.

This sign is very friendly and likes most people and other felines. Socialists, and rather charming is in their nature. They do, however, like their environment to be well balanced, and peaceful. They are attentive to what is going on and it would be best to involve them, in anyway to be near the action. Television and music are favourites of choice. Choosy eaters so do not feed them just anything. They are easily influenced by other felines and hard to make up their minds in doing something, so keep them in the good crowd. This one will eat a lot when not happy; they also hate confrontation and would rather walk away than deal with a bad situation.

Human and feline counterparts that are best are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Ruling planet is Venus.

Scorpio: Oct 23 – Nov 21

This is one of the two most powerful signs that a feline can be born under. This is a sign of high intuition and magickal gifts. The other is Pisces which carries the natural gift of psychic sensitivity. This applies also to the human Scorpios and Pisces signs. They know before you, what you will do in a situation or what you wish to do in general.

Just as the humans this cat is jealous, possessive, suspicious, and secretive in nature. They are good at hiding their feelings. If hurt are rather vengeful, and do not neglect them as this will turn out to start your day off rather interesting. They influence other felines easily, and have their likes and dislikes.

This is the sign that will fight viciously and will not stand down when confronted by another. This would be the ideal cat to have if you live alone and do not like dogs. This would remind me of our first cat that we had, named KyKy. She was very possessive of her family and once when someone tried to break into the house, attacked at full force and drew blood as well as cut one of the intruders’ eyes. She was a Siamese and very beautiful. Always in heat, but they do tend to have a hard time with mating.

Human and feline counterparts that are best are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Ruling planet is Mars.

Sagittarius: Nov 22 – Dec 21

This is the most independent of all the felines, just as the humans of this sign are known to be. Explorers, adventurers, they like variety and are extraverted personalities. They love competition and challenge, so be careful not to stare them down, and they may win. But this applies to all areas in life. This is one of the messier felines, not much for tidiness, and love a messy surrounding

Accident prone and tends too be moody as well, as this is a characteristic of the one with the Centaur in their chart. Center of attention, is where they are happiest and you will laugh at what they come up with from time to time. Very risky, and will tend their nine live [being that a cat can only take feline form nine times in their life]. After that they are reincarnated into something else. This is in Onyx’s seventh house.

Human and feline counterparts that are best are Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Ruling planet is Jupiter.

Capricorn: Dec 22 – Jan 19

Now we come to the most earthly of all the felines. This feline loves quiet surroundings, loud noises will make them very nervous, and if humans come into their home they will hide to be alone. They approach other animals with great caution. This feline likes to know that his/her surroundings are secure and they are also the most loyal of all the felines.

They love time to themselves, as they are known for being solitary. They are leaders and will dominant other cats within the same home, unless of course it is a Leo. Then there will be a struggle for who is the more dominant. Usually the Leo will win, and the Capricorn will continue to overpower the Leo cat.

This cat loves to just find a spot and stay put, a window for gazing, a chair for resting, a fire and just watching the flames. This cat is your ideal for quite. Now, when it comes to being a one that loves to climb this is your cat. You may find him/her in the tree, scaling a trellis, even a book shelf. Whatever it can dig its claws into and scale be sure the Capricorn cat will do exactly this. Now, here is the one you will have to rescue from the trees. Now, this was my other cat Flicker-Jasmine. However, because of the fact that Onyx and she did not get along we had to send her off to another.

Human and feline counterparts that are best are Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Ruling planet is Saturn.

Aquarius: Jan 20 – Feb 18

Freedom and independence are these main characteristics. They do like being locked up and are resentful if they are placed into a carrier of any kind. They are adaptable, friendly, and naturally curious in their nature. Here is where the famous term “curiosity killed the cat” comes about. They enjoy watching instead of participating.

If any of the feline is unpredictable it is the Aquarius cat. However, you must be watchful not to allow this one to become over stressed; you will receive the silent treatment if he/she does feel out of sorts. If the Aquarian cat has Aries in his natal, that being in houses as well will tend to be very temperamental. However, if there is Scorpio in his/her natal reactions to stress are to be rather spiteful.

Here we have a highly intuitive cat and very intelligent. This is the one that is easiest to train and they are fast learners as well. They have great pride and will show that in how they develop in the mind.

Do not be concerned if your cat acts out in spurts, as this is typical of an Aquarian cat. This cat is ruled by a crazy planet and well it is good to act out sometimes, life would be too boring for them otherwise.

Human and feline counterparts that are best are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Ruling planet is Uranus.

Pisces: Feb 19 – Mar 20

This is the last of the signs in the zodiac. This cat is very strong in intuition and rather psychic as well. They have a strong sixth sense and can sense something from far away. This is the case with my first cat Black Widow. Many times I would be traveling and when I would return home, she would come running straight to me. She would sense my arrival from a far and when I would enter the house she would be there immediately giving me hugs and kisses.

She loved the night and the moon, she loved to roam about, but she was also rather timid at times. She was a mover, she never sat still for too long, sometimes she would be gone for days on end and come home and say here I am, miss me. Well, as you can see I talk with all my cats.

This is a very emotional cat, along with the Cancer and Scorpio as well. They are very hypersensitive, moody and sometimes very temperamental. The Pisces cat has to be feed on time or they become very grumpy. As well as their human counterparts the feline is also very impatient and they love to whine when they do not have things there way. However, when relaxed they are very affectionate and love to cuddle.

This is the most mysterious and mystical of all the felines. This is the one cat that draws to Witches the most, as well as others who practice, or take a strong interest in the arts. The eyes on the Pisces cat are very distant and dreamy, if allowed to look into them long enough you will see the Otherworld. This is Onyx’s Mid-heaven {MC}.

Human and feline counterparts that are best are Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Ruling planet is Neptune.

Lunar Influences

Now here we come to the part of when you actually bring one into your home. Well, remember they choose you and they are rather familiar with the timing of the moon and the best times to come into ones home. However, this is not always the case with strays.

The best time to bring a new cat into your home is on a Dark Moon, or in the First Quarter {Waxing Moon}, when not being ruled by the sign of Pisces or Scorpio. Why you may ask? Well, these are the two water signs that are the least stable and the least loyal in all reality.

They will not stay, this is learned from experience. A friend needed a home for a black male cat and I had agreed to do this, but with the instructions that I could only do it on a Dark Moon. Well, she came the following day and it happened to be ruled by none other than the Pisces Moon. In his brief stay with us Onyx came to tolerate him, he destroyed all the screens on the doors, and some of the windows. He also destroyed the furniture and well, he loved to be outside at night, so we let him enjoy. The last time I say Myst, we had let him out one night and never to return.

Training is best done under the Taurus Moon. Planting of catnip is best done under the moon of Libra, or any of the other water signs. However, cats do not always like catnip. They are more adapting to like it if transplanted from a small pot. Planted by seeds alone they will draw away from it, and some may never draw to it at all. Onyx is not fond of catnip in anyway, oils, plant, herb, nothing. This too depends on the cat. I have many others that I tend too that come groaning at the smell of the oil itself. If they do like it you will know harvest time when they are found rolling about in the patch that was planted for them. Reminder, plant this away from your normal herbal gardens and give them a special place of their own.

Year of the Cat

The following years are represented by the cat in North China; 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, and 1987. Now in Tao this represents the Hare, in Chinese the Rabbit. Now according to Taoist Astrology the following would apply in North China. The year of the purple Cat; 1927, and 1987, the gold Cat; 1939, and 1999, the silver Cat 1951, and 2011, the grey Cat 1903, and 1963 and the blue Cat 1915, and 1975. Each cycle comes around every sixty years, meaning that each colour associated with the year only appears every sixty years; for instance the next one to come will be in the year 2011 and it will be the year of the silver Cat. Then to follow in the year of 2023 with be the year of the grey Cat. Then the following years to follow are; 2035, 2047, 2059, 2071, 2083, and 2095. Now, remember this really applies to North China, as the rest of the system is ruled by either the Hare or Rabbit, which just depends on whether you follow the Chinese or the Taoist lunar calendar system.

Now in legend it is said that Buddha [c.563-c. 483 BC] was the original creator of the Chinese astrology, however, more believe that in the year 2637 BC, the Chinese Emperor Huang Ti standardized this system. Now, it is known as both Chinese Astrology and Taoist Astrology [pronounced Daoism]. In the Taoist system each animal is given a colour and years that it rules. Being as that humans needed to have contact with animals in order to survive. The cat had been one of the original animals invited but fell asleep and didn’t make it, and then another contest was created so that the cat could participate and at this time the rat and the cat had been long time friends. However, the rat broke a promise to his friend and didn’t wake him from his catnap. Upon the cat waking the race was finished and the rat won a spot. Needless to say this ending the friendship between the two animals and forever they live as enemies.

In Vietnamese astrology the Cat [which corresponds with the Rabbit in Chinese Astrology] is one of the twelve animals represented in the calendar. However, in North Korea the Cat replaces the rabbit, for the reason that this word is insulting to this part of the country.

So how does this play in your cat’s astrology, well if you follow this system it determines your cat’s characteristics just as the other two systems. In this case you would do the same reverse the person for the feline. But one must remember that the cat really is a person as most of us have lived other lives as cats or have yet to live our lives as cats.

Magic of the Cats

This dates back as far as the time of the Egyptian culture. Most people wore amulets as well as most if not all cats. Onyx wears a encircled Celtic knot on her collar. It was cleansed of all energies before it was placed on her neck. These are very easy to do, find one that has a strong connection to it and then run it under cool water and chant;

Negative energies I call to thee,

Remove yourself and banish from thee,

Positive energies I call to thee,

This is the charge to the amulet,

For {cat’s name} protection

‘Tis my will,

So Mote It Be!

Now, you come to enjoy your feline and remember to celebrate her birthday the same as we celebrate ours. If you are not sure of the day, just watch closely and see how they act, this usually can help you figure out about when she was born. You may also use a dowsing pendulum, and or a Spirit Board [also known as an Ouija Board] to find out around when they were born. But remember this too, that your cat does have a Natal Chart and not only will she show her sun sign, but that of the signs in her houses, ascendant, and her moon rising. All of this will tell you who your cat is and what she wants.

Just love her and take care of all the ones that follow. For sure, if you love one that much the strays will see this and come to be part of your family. They may not like each other, but they certainly will tolerate each other.

Feline Book of Shadows

The Feline Book of Shadows is much as the same as a regular Book of Shadows, the main difference is that it will focus on divination with your familiar and the associations that are sacred to her/him.

Setting it up is much the same formatting as your own personal one? You would set up your Feline Book of Shadows with a book blessing and an invocation to deity [being the deity that you are the devotee of, or your Patron deity]. If you wanted you could place a copy of the Witches Creed/Wicca Rede, or even create your own Feline Creed. This book of shadows is dedicated to your familiar and the Magic is worked with the two of you on a more personal level of growth. When working with feline powers you are first asking permission for the use of their spirit for this takes a great deal of energy away from them, as it does you, when working rituals, or spells. So, you must be careful to prepare in the same way as you would if you, yourself were working the divination on your own.

Preparing a Feline for Divination

This is a long process and one that will take from the time of your familiars’ birth to the time she/he is ready to work divination. Remember, not all cats are your familiars, some are there as just a friend and your special pet. They are not treated in the same manner. One is treated more like a person and the other more of someone that is there to keep you company.

When preparing your feline for the art of divination you must do a number of things from the beginning. Begin first by preparing a naming ritual and bless them, do a paganing ceremony, and allow them to work with you to understand that of what you are doing. Allow them an amulet, stones that are associated to their sun sign, moon rising and ascendant sign as well as an elemental association. They will want to know of what tools are within your altar, so let them investigate to learn more. They too must develop as we do when it comes to working Magic. Now, with Onyx I did a naming ritual, and blessing ceremony after I learned her birth date. I also got her an amulet of an encircled Celtic knot of Triquetra and cast a protection spell upon her amulet. I gave her an Onyx stone, and she has various others that she will play with from time to time. I also, allow her pretty much room to do as she will, but then again you must set boundaries or have a destroyed home.

Cat Naming ritual is very simple for this all you need is your cat a single white cat candle and some catnip essential oil, if available for anointing. Otherwise you can use oil that is associated with their Sun Sign [if known] and it must be performed on that night of the Dark Moon/New Moon. Prepare yourself as you would for any ritual, by cleansing the Nemeses [Gaelic for Sacred Space] and then calling the quarters to invite in the elementals. Then begin by calling upon the Quarters first from the East, South, West, and then North, also known as Deosil movement. Hold your familiar and cradle him/her as to comfort them during the ritual and upon finishing give your familiar a kiss and you may now close the circle. Remember, that you must ground and clear upon the closing of the Quarters.

Cat naming ritual

[Name] is thy name I bestow unto thee

[Name] is who I dedicate to thee

Thy name may come to thee,

To sound and bring magic three times, three, times three.

Thy life is lived free and sacred to thee

You shall be blessed, protected and honoured by thee

Blessing a feline is rather a simple ceremony. You need only your feline, cat candles [I used black], as this is a good colour for banishing and removing negative energies, as well as other associations. [But, for this lesson we will stick to the colour for banishing of negative energies, which is very important when working with Feline Magic and in the blessing of your familiar]. You must do this upon the Witching Hour of the Full Moon. Then of course you cast your circle in a Deosil movement. Now, you can also use fire in a cauldron for this ritual if you have the space for it, otherwise just use a candle and then anoint it with the proper oils. When finished allow the cauldron fire to burn down and let cool, [if used], and extinguish the cat candle and you may now close your circle by moving Tuathail also known as Widdershins. As usual, ground and clear. Now, your familiar is ready for divination.

Blessing of a Familiar

O sacred familiar

Wise and old beyond your years

Unto thee I send this blessing

Love and Light

Fire that burns with lighting of the night

Upon thy Witching Hour

Moons’ Power

I bestow upon thee

Thy Witches’ Power

Power of the ancients I call for thee

Bring the power of all ancestors unto thee

May the forces of the elements

Be blessed unto thee

Thy nature so bold and known to thee

Calling upon Bastet to honour thee

Blessings bestowed unto thee

In thy casting of magic

You shall be blessed, protected and honoured by thee

These ceremonies are usually done upon the birth of your familiar; however, if they come to you in another form, you may perform this ritual, or have the High Priest of High Priestess of your local Coven do this ceremony, at the next Full Moon after your familiar coming to you home. This is very similar to that of a paganing ceremony or a baptism of a child. However, if you are a solitary you may perform this ceremony in a place that is sacred to you, and to your familiar.

Note: Remember, that these are very sacred ritual/s and must be performed with respect and honour to Bastet.

Spell for Calling upon a Familiars Spirit

This is a very powerful spell if performed properly; however, you must be prepared and ready to accept what is brought to you from the working of this particular spell. I created this spell some time back, upon the death of one of my familiars so as to have a final blessing for her. She was a very wise and powerful familiar and taught me a lot, in the time she was here. I knew before her passing that it was to come, just not when or how. But, the same morning of me seeing her running in a dream/vision, my husband found her on the side of the road. Later he told me, after I heard from another [who is not a fan of felines] that a black cat was hit earlier that day. He had taken her to a place that well destroyed them in a very UN humane manner. So, this spell was dedicated to Agatha and I used the spirit of my Widow as well in the casting of this spell.

Please use it wisely. Now, I cast this on a Waning Moon near the time of the Witching Hour [if you are not able to perform this at the Witching Hour, you may do so at or after the hour of 9 p. Casting the Circle from the North to the West and Opening the Circle from the West to the North.

Spirit Call Cat Circle of Magick

Altar Set up


W          E


In accordance to how your house or altar is located in your home. Centre the candles to the altar facing you. You may also perform this outside if you so desire. Cleanse altar before using, with Moon Water, which has been blessed by the Goddess herself [Full Moon Water], and Sea Salt. Cleanse yourself and your charkas, by taking a bath. Using either Myrrh oil or Sea Salt, for cleansing take a long bath or shower to cleanse and have the Goddesses energies flow through. North being Earth, East being Air, South being Fire, and west being Water.

Before performing this ritual, make an herbal tea of pure herbs to prepare your state of mind to a trance state. Mugwort, Dandelion, and Lavender work best. I usually drink about two or three cups, relax my body for an hour and then begin the ritual.

Place in both the North and East direction one Bastet Statue each, and on the West and South direction place a picture of your familiar/s. Anoint with Myrrh oil, you may also use pure Catnip oil, if available. This is very expensive, and will burn your skin if contact is made, use carefully. Picture placement (only if calling on a spirit who has passed on to say farewell, or for guidance in what is to come. In my case my familiars, Black Widow & Agatha’ photos were used; place them at the West and South side of the altar.


1 Gold and White Cat candle. Place in the centre of Altar.

2 Gold candles (they can smell of Amber), place one on each side of the Cat candle.


Myrrh, Frankincense and Catnip. Best used the resin and burned on charcoal. Also, you can use the oil in an oil burner for the scent as well. Place behind the candles. Altar Cloth colours, Gold or Blue, or both. I used Yellow and Blue. Moon to perform on, any phase is fine, however, it must be under the sign of Scorpio or Pisces, for this is the strongest of all the Moons to perform spirit callings. Once your altar is cleansed, cleanse yourself and prepare. Burn your myrrh or frankincense incense for cleansing the room and space.

Now, you are ready to begin. First of all, call on your quarters [North to West] using your athame, wand or staff, asking the spirits to join you in circle.

Relax yourself, and light your candles incense. Now say the following words:

Goddess of Love,

Goddess of Light,

Come to me and shine so bright,

Let me see what is to be,

Come to me O spirit be.

So mote it Be!

You may also use the Chant of Witches; Isis, Asparte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali Ma, Inanna. This will do well in raising your cone of power. After you start to feel the energies moving, say the following words:

Goddess I accept all that

You are to reveal.

Spirit comes to me

And reveal yourself.

Let me see you, Goddess

I accept thee, Desire, Will and Intent unto me

So mote it Be!

Repeat as many times as it takes for you to feel the energies start to surround your space of Magick. You will eventually start to feel like you are in a place that is not of the physical realm, but of the Outer Realm.

Open the circle [West to North] and thank the spirits for their assistance and send back the spirits of your familiars back to where they came from, as this is draining on them.

You must be willing to accept what every guide the Goddess blesses you with for it is the reason of the calling. My results were seen just a few days later. That too, you must remember it will be revealed when the time is right. When I did this I ended up with ten felines around the house within hours after the ceremony ended and both Agatha and Widow came full blast in spirit. The manifestation was quick and is still in effect to this very day.

Final Words:

In doing this article, I have taken great thought in how to best to bring it to each and every one of you. This is a very large part of my life and my Magic; however, it is only used in the greatest of respect for the feline. When you work divination with a feline or call upon their energies to help you in understanding omens, finding lost objects, easing your anxiety, and some even are there for calming of dreams in ones sleep. You must remember that they are freely allowing you to draw on their energies, so you must respect them, and give back to them what you take. Otherwise they will lose not only power, but they will lose energy and strength if we do not give what we have taken from them.

They are wise and powerful power animals and should be treated as that, not as just a domestic pet. Remember in how you treat a feline, whether it is yours or another’s, you honour them with your love, Bastet honours you in many ways.

How do you know this? Well, recently I found a black cat on the side of the road, which, for a moment I thought had been one of the many I tend too, however, it was not. I buried him/her under our Coconut tree along with Isobel’s kittens whom were buried earlier the same day. A manifestation to me were a new kitten that had lost her mother, found her way here and now has a safe place. You never know what you will receive from the giving of your soul to another. So, respect that soul no matter what. In death is rebirth, in rebirth is a spirit that if meant to be in your life will come no matter what you expect.

Love and cherish the feline for all they are, as they are the Witches Familiar.

I hope you have enjoyed this article and take with you something to begin a new area of divination.


My Personal Experiences and Workings

Shows were revisions or add on has been placed.

Egyptian Astrology, http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~raaness/astrology

Ancient Egyptian Magic; Spells, Incantations, Potions, Stories, and Rituals

by Bob Brier

Your Magickal Cat, by Gerina Dunwich

Magic in Ancient Egypt, by Geraldine Pinch

The Twelve House, by Howard Sasportas [used in translating Onyx’s chart]

Taoist Astrology, by Susan Levitt with Jean Tang

Familiars Animal Powers of Britain, by Anna Franklin

Herb Craft, by Anna Franklin

The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Fairies, by Anna Franklin

The Werewolf Book, by Brad Steiger and forwarded by Dr. Franklin Ruehl

Scottish Witches and Wizards True Accounts, by H. M. Fleming

The Encyclopaedia of Witches and Witchcraft, by Rosemary Ellen Guiley

1000 Years of Irish Poetry;

Edited by Kathleen Hoagland, Intro by Malachy McCourt

Egyptian Magic by E.A. Wallis Budge

Cat Magick, by Patricia Telesco,

Your Magickal Cat, by Gerina Dunwich, and

The Mysterious Magickal Cat, by D.J. Conway.

Internet Resources:

Goddess and Gods, at http://members.tripod.com/witchiegirl/deities.html

European Witch Adoption, at http://sacredcirclescoven.com/WitchesNames.htm

Greek Mythology, at http://www.loggia.com/myth/eros.html

Pantheon, at http://www.pantheon.org

http://www.themystica.org/mythical-folk/articles/dionysus.html  and http://www.themystica.org/mythical-folk/articles/bacchus.html

To reprint this article emails Rev. Darcie Clausen De Velez. at csolarwolf1@aol.com  please provide your sites address, and a valid email all requests for reprint will be reviewed prior to approval.  I have the right to remove this article from sites at any time I no longer wish it to be used by outside sources.

At the time of writing this article I was going under the Open Craft Name of Dark Oak.

Article Featured: Silver Wheel Magazine UK ~ Samhain 2003 Issue



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