Planets and our Fate

I have been seeing a lot of this in clients charts at birth, many wonder why they have so many afflictions throughout life. The eighth house is the house where many issues arise and it said that when you have… (Read more)

Astro Weather for Week of 16-21st of August

We finally have some good planet positions for the casting of astrological magic and astrological talismans.  While we do still have those planets that are in term (which is bringing on the heavier more aggressive natures as is clear in… (Read more)

Workshop: The Basics to Astrological Magic & Talismans

Workshop:  The Basics to Astrological Magic & Talismans  Date: 2014/06/28 Time: 18:00 – 19:30 EST, 15:00 – 16:30 PST. Register Today: Presented by: Ariana Clausen – Velez In this workshop we will be covering the basics of Astrological magic with… (Read more)

Invocation of the Moon

Hail to you oh, Goddess, the Moon, blessed lady, fortunate, cold and moist, temperate and beautiful. Of all the planets you are the head and key, your movement is smooth, you have shining light, lady of happiness and joy, of… (Read more)

Astro Weather of the Week 13 October-19th October

Astro Weather of the Week 13 October-19th October Mars is in Term and moving into exaltation—Good for talismans Jupiter is in exaltation–Great for Talismans for Prosperity, Success and Fortune Venus is in Term—Good for Talismans In the Fixed Stars Spica… (Read more)

Jupiter Talisman 2

We have a great aspect with Jupiter being in exaltation and with this we can work with him to aid in success, fortune and prosperity and good luck. When we work with him he has to be in either his… (Read more)

Talisman of Regulas: 18 August 2013

Regulas Talisman 18 August 2013 06:28 am AST Calculated for San Juan, PR Note:  Estimated time is 44 minutes to complete this Talisman The hour is the hour of the Sun on the day of the Sun with Regulas in the rising… (Read more)

Planets of Traditional Astrology

Planets of Traditional Astrology Within Traditional Astrology the planets in which are those of the time of the Babylonian’s and those planets they saw in the sky.  While yes, there are the fixed stars these are very much a part of… (Read more)

Sleeping Talismans

Sleeping Talisman Picatrix Goal of the Wise; Ghayat Al-Hakim According to the Picatrix there are four talismans in which can be made to aid in sleep to deep sleep. 1. A sleeping talisman, the way the talisman is made is by taking an… (Read more)