Sleeping Talisman
Picatrix Goal of the Wise; Ghayat Al-Hakim
According to the Picatrix there are four talismans in which can be made to aid in sleep to deep sleep.
1. A sleeping talisman, the way the talisman is made is by taking an equal an amount of half dirham of opium, a strip of mandrake and black anesthetic seed, one sixth dirham of pleasant smelling nuts, small wood branches and pure sandalwood. Grind and kneed with green coriander juice. Then you get putrefy is so it mixes and unites together and the spirits harmonize in it for the wanted action. Then you feed one carat of the mixture and that is enough to put anyone into a deep sleep.
2. Another sleeping talisman with that has a more powerful effect; the way this is done is by taking two small amounts of each of hard bent nuts, red anesthetic seeds, mandrake or its bark, black poppy seeds, three small amounts of saffron and one small amount of basswood. Add all and putrefy it for three days. Then use one carat of the mixture in drinks to get the effect of sleeping.
3. Another talisman for sleeping like the first two, this one is made with equal amounts of opium, mandrake bark, lettuce seed, hard bent nut seeds, rose of Jericho juice, black hellebore and seed of black poppy. Grind the ingredients very fine and mix with two times of the amounts with aged wine and put in a container to putrefy for a couple of days. Then use one carat of the mixture in drink.
4. Another talisman for the extreme deep sleeping, the way this is done is by taking an equal amount of anethetic seed juice, vaccine juice, black poppy seed juice and wine or any alcoholic juice. Add to this one tenth the total weight of the first ingredients worth opium. Melt the opium, then add fermented fig juice that was distilled at least four times and putrefy the mixture and use about one carat of this because it is a very powerful mixture and the spirits power in it is very effective.
Note of Caution: As many of these recipes have ingredients are illegal today and can cause severe hallucinations it is best to use these only with another and one who has knowledge of blending the herbs correctly for the uses they are intended for. Many of these recipes from the ancient times were also used when Magicians wanted to travel into the Astral Realms to gain insight, communicate with the spirits, and do astral healing.