Regulas Talisman
18 August 2013 06:28 am AST Calculated for San Juan, PR Note: Estimated time is 44 minutes to complete this Talisman The hour is the hour of the Sun on the day of the Sun with Regulas in the rising at 29° Leo 38’ and the Sun applies to Regulas. In mediæval magic, Regulas rules the stone granite and the herbs of sallendine, mugwort, and mastic also you may use wormwood. The image is that of a lion, cat or an honourable person seated in a chair, you may also use the head of the lion or cat. It makes the wearer temperate, gives favour and appeases wrath, dispels melancholy and brings success and happiness. On either a piece of parchment paper cut into a circular shape or that of a ring with that of a head of a lion, a piece of virgin bees-wax draw on the front the head of a lion and on the back draw the sigil of Regulas directly above the image draw the sigil of Leo, around the edges in Hebrew (if familiar with the language) from right to left Proverbs 4:8 or inscribe in English begin at the top and left to right; Proverbs 4:8 “Prize her highly, and she will exalt you; she will honour you if you embrace her.” Image of Regulas to draw inside of circle on back of talisman below; Just above this sigil draw the sigil of Leo; making sure to draw the image of the Lion on the front of your talisman and the sigil of Leo and Regulas on the Back of the talisman with Proverbs 4:8 around the sigils on the back in a circle.
At the hour prepare your incense and light your candle a yellow and purple candle are good to use, in the East facing as the Sun and Regulas rises, begin drawing your images and while drawing chant the following invocation until you have completed. Place this in your wallet, on the desk where you pay your bills, or on the altar dedicated to the Sun while being sure to charge it weekly on Sunday in your daily rituals. Incense you use mugwort, wormwood, or Acabia mastic (a white powder) on a charcoal. Be sure to suffumigate your talisman over the smoke of the incense when finished still chanting the invocation to the Sun.
Using the Invocation to the Sun
“Greetings O Life of the Universe and the Light of the World, answer my call and give me Radiance and Acceptance, O Sun I Call Thee by your Names; in Arabic SHAMS, in Persian MUHR, in Roman IYLYOOS, in Indian AARS and BRAA. You are the Light and Glory of the World, the middle of all, whom greets the universe and all evil, the fixer and connecter, the highest in levels, the highest in places, I ask you to assist me with this king or all the kings of the earth or support with the state of rank or presidency and make me Radiant and Accepted as you are the Master and King of the Planets. With you the world lights up and shines, I ask you the Controller of All to have mercy on me and my begging and submissiveness. (Picatrix The Goal of the Wise Vol II)
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