Astro Weather for 14 July 2013

Astro Weather for 14 Jul. 13 Moon is in Libra in the 13th Moon Mansion the mansion of sex and love, alchemical marriage, conjunction, erotic bondage. Sun is in Cancer in his face (weak) Mars is in Triplicity conjunct Jupiter… (Read more)

Blessed Summer Solstice

Magic is all around you all you have to do is look Inside of Yourself. As we come to the Magical Season of the Summer Solstice a time of the Solar God Ra, Apollo, Ra Horakaty, Lugh, in the Eastern… (Read more)

Mosquitos Trap

This is a great trap sent to me by a dear friend and Sister Crafter of the Old Religion, it is fantastic, though I cannot add the photo but this is one trap you all need to get ride of the… (Read more)