Middle Eastern, Mesopotamia, Pagan Races, Traditions

What is an Astral Initiation Anyway?

 What is an Astral Initiation Anyway? By Ariana Clausen – Vélez When we look at one’s initiation what does it truly mean to you, the individual?  Is it man validating you and giving you a title, a position, credentials to throw… (Read more)

Appulse Lunar Eclipse of 2013 May 25

Appulse Lunar Eclipse of 2013 May 25 19 May 2013     What did the Astrologers of Ninevah and Babylon say about Eclipses? Omens from Eclipses; I have not informed the king, my lord of the account of the eclipse with… (Read more)

Cross Posting-Esotericism in Early Pennsylvania

http://ouroboros-press.bookarts.org/esotericism-in-early-pennsylvania/ and excellent article from Ouroboros Press and site dedicated to ancient works and the translating of ancients works by William Kiesel. Enjoy

Mithras or Mica (Michael), a Persian then Roman Sun God

Mithras or Mica (Michael), a Persian then Roman Sun God www.askwhy.co.uk/christianity/0690Mithras.php Mithras is a Greek form of the name of an Indo-European god, Mithra or Mitra (Old Persian, Mica). Roman writers believed that Mithraism came from Persia and that Mithraic… (Read more)