Author Archive: Darcie Vélez

Words of Wisdom

I enjoy many visions in my journeys but the ones that hold the greatest impact on me are those that reveal the truths from between the realms. We have to be willing to open up our hearts and minds to… (Read more)

Luar na Lubre – Canteixere (Galician Folk Music)

[youtube] This was shared from an acquaintance I met some time back this is the land of my Ancestors Niall of the Nine Hostages and the lands my ancestors travelled through Galicia, Spain from many other European lands prior… (Read more)

Retrograde Mercury in Cancer

Once again Mercury is  in Retrograde and again, in the sign of Cancer, there have been a lot of emotions flying about, quarrels, influxes, miscommunication, assumptions without the facts and more.  Mercury gets a bad rap and we have to remember… (Read more)

Workshop: The Basics to Astrological Magic & Talismans

Workshop:  The Basics to Astrological Magic & Talismans  Date: 2014/06/28 Time: 18:00 – 19:30 EST, 15:00 – 16:30 PST. Register Today: Presented by: Ariana Clausen – Velez In this workshop we will be covering the basics of Astrological magic with… (Read more)

Birch Owl

Ancient Magic and the wisdom of the Owl, Druid Magic, old magic. Nature