Judgements of the Head and Tail of the Dragon
Judgements of the Head and Tail of the Dragon The Head of the Dragon is in all points like to Mercury, good with good planets and evil with evil planets for being joined with… (Read more)
Darcie Vélez Psychic & Spiritual Healer, Witch
"Through the Flames of Fire Comes Transformation"
Judgements of the Head and Tail of the Dragon The Head of the Dragon is in all points like to Mercury, good with good planets and evil with evil planets for being joined with… (Read more)
Astro Weather for today 6th day of October 2013 Note: John Boehner is a Scorpio born on the 17th of November and has his Mercury in Scorpio and the Fixed Star Antares w/Venus showing a person who is insincere, dishonest,… (Read more)