In Stock available for purchase today, approx. 36 pieces in a variety of sizes. Purchase them today for your store or Shoppe or as gifts for friends or family. Rear!!! Purchase today for $30.00, shipping $8.00 USPS Flat Rate Priority.
Chemical Composition: Kyanite is aluminium silicate
Kyanite is a Splintery translucent to transparent bladed crystal.
Metaphysical Properties: Kyanite is one of only two stones which never need cleansing or clearing. Kyanite is a stone of attunement. Good for communication, mental awareness. Stimulates psychic awareness. Excellent for meditation and dream recall.
Corresponding Astrological Signs: Taurus, Libra, Aries
Chakras: Kyanite aligns all chakras automatically and immediately. Also used for opening the chakras.
Black Kyanite corresponds to the Root Chakra.
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