In Memory of Dr. Leo Louis Martello



Today marks the 13th Anniversary of Dr. Leo Louis Martello’s passing and returning home to Sumerland.  Leo did so much, he was an author, activist and so much more.  Today of all days is a celebration of his work as a Gay Rights Activist all those years ago in New York for one day before his Memorial, California has let go of proposal 8 and now All Gays and Lesbians are free to marry on the same ground as hetrosexual couples.  It seems so fitting that Leo’s energy and he is here celebrating such an amazing victory for the Equal Rights of Gays around the globe.  This was something he fought hard for and now the doors are opening and the laws which were already there under the First Amendment are now seeing so many couples finally getting to marry the ones’ they love.

Leo was known for so much, but today in light of this great Victory we speak more on his works as an activist.

We love you and Miss you so much Leo, we know you are here with us all.

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