Fall Blessings to you All

AncientMagicBookandRavenThe time of magic and change is upon us all, the leaves are changing colours, all things are moving to the time when the earth is under dimmer lights, the sun sets earlier and brings us the sunset lights, as Apollo returns home to the farther northern lands. The Moon and stars are high in the sky, the time of the old ways, the spirits as they are walking among the living is upon. We are in a very magical and special time when we begin to do the work of shedding away those things, persons and anything that does not bring blessings into our live and cutting it out.

This is the time in which spells are cast, the readings of the spirits are among us and joining all of our mind in the Web of Wyrd in doing our work with Hecate the Queen of the Underworld, Queen of Justice and Truth, the bringer of hidden actions, acts and deeds against us out into the light with her torches that guide us through the darkness the place in which all Wisdome derives. It is this time we do our work and Justice will be done.

This is my first Autumn/Fall home in 28 years, as I watch the trees changes the colours of the leaves and feel the change in the air from hot to crisp and I wake up each morning blessed more than the day before. I wake up to see the stars and constellations above me as I do my morning rites before I begin my day when the Moon is high in the sky she shines her radiating light upon me as I begin my day with the Blessings of Isis and Diana the Mothers and Creators of us all upon me.

The magic of this time is so amazing and this is my favourite time of the year, this is the time when I honour and celebrate my Ancestors for So win is named after one of my ancestors from the Old So win date, originally being called the Feast of Mongfind. No wonder I love this time so very much I am of the old soul and I walk amoung the spirits and see what they show me I am to share with you all.

May the blessings be to you all this season and always walk with your Torches of Hecate to reveal the shadows into the light as the light is the soul of us all, the darkness is just that darker skies and the wisdome we gain from within that darkness will only allow us to grow.

Always want blessings for others and always seek to better others and if you cannot be an inspiration or one who seeks to give another Empowerment than seek within yourself as to why you are willing to be there when asked by another for help or communication of what is ahead. Do not show favouritism over others for we all unique and great in our own ways, we all are individuals and of free will and mind. Do not conform to appease others for then you are not being true to yourself but doing for others this will only oppress you in your journey.

This is my blessing to you all this season.

I will begin my work tomorrow doing readings and I hope as this season is upon us those who seek to have guidance and seek to speak to others on the other side, have questions or concerns answered do so openly and let your heart and mind guide you for I am here to help you find understand and clarity. Contact me today for your Psychic Reading at 978-210-2423 to book your appointment with me today.

Many Blessings to you Always As by Rising Moon and Setting Sun It SO SHALL BE DONE!!!!

Reverend High Priestess Ariana



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