Journey Visions

The Place Between the Worlds

THE PLACE BETWEEN THE WORLDS PART ONE ©By Anna Franklin Visit Anna Franklin’s Site Used w/Permission “I conjure thee, O circle of power, that thou mayest be a meeting place of love and joy and truth….” So begins the invocation… (Read more)


The Birth and Song of Apollo Latona our Goddess was swollen heavy with the seed of Heaven. She crossed the Tigris-Euphrates River in the pangs of labour. As she reached the distant shore, Her water broke, causing the first life-giving… (Read more)

The Wolf

THE WOLF AS A SYMBOL Lup/lupul = wolf/the wolf in Romanian; lup/lupu = to die/dead in Etruscan. Similarly, haita = wolf pack in Romanian; Aita = the god of the underworld the equivalent of Greek Hades, for the Etruscans. Etruscan… (Read more)

The power of imagination

  by: Ina Custers van Bergen In occult circles there is an interesting discussion going on, fueled by the need of scientific proof for esoteric assumptions and claims about historical legacy. First of all I want to state that I… (Read more)

Planets and our Fate

I have been seeing a lot of this in clients charts at birth, many wonder why they have so many afflictions throughout life. The eighth house is the house where many issues arise and it said that when you have… (Read more)

Invocation of the Moon

Hail to you oh, Goddess, the Moon, blessed lady, fortunate, cold and moist, temperate and beautiful. Of all the planets you are the head and key, your movement is smooth, you have shining light, lady of happiness and joy, of… (Read more)