Feast of Mongfind i.e. Samhain (so wín)

Many Blessed and Greetings to All this Féile Moingfhinne i.e. Feast of Mongfind, Samhain, and Feast of the Dead. This is the time in which we honour those who came before us, our Ancestors those who came from the roots… (Read more)

Fall Blessings to you All

The time of magic and change is upon us all, the leaves are changing colours, all things are moving to the time when the earth is under dimmer lights, the sun sets earlier and brings us the sunset lights, as… (Read more)

Planets and our Fate

I have been seeing a lot of this in clients charts at birth, many wonder why they have so many afflictions throughout life. The eighth house is the house where many issues arise and it said that when you have… (Read more)

Astro Weather for Week of 16-21st of August

We finally have some good planet positions for the casting of astrological magic and astrological talismans.  While we do still have those planets that are in term (which is bringing on the heavier more aggressive natures as is clear in… (Read more)

Invocation of the Moon

Hail to you oh, Goddess, the Moon, blessed lady, fortunate, cold and moist, temperate and beautiful. Of all the planets you are the head and key, your movement is smooth, you have shining light, lady of happiness and joy, of… (Read more)

Neapolitan Witchcraft

This is a work in which is public domain and it shares some of the ancient charms and spells used by the Strega to calm storms, bring lost lovers home, keep lovers faithful and more. It is for the serious Magi and those who know how to work magic.

Jupiter Talisman 2

We have a great aspect with Jupiter being in exaltation and with this we can work with him to aid in success, fortune and prosperity and good luck. When we work with him he has to be in either his… (Read more)