Fairy and Underworld Beings

Luar na Lubre – Canteixere (Galician Folk Music)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivF1z7NjfW8] This was shared from an acquaintance I met some time back this is the land of my Ancestors Niall of the Nine Hostages and the lands my ancestors travelled through Galicia, Spain from many other European lands prior… (Read more)

Ariana’s Interview with Susun Weed back in 2013

http://wisewomanradio.com/interviews/clausen-velez.html, tune in now and listen in to my interview with Susun Weed. Do enjoy!!! We had an amazing interview discussing the Temple of Diana which just celebrated its’ 10 year Anniversary, my work as a Crafter of the Old… (Read more)

Blessed Spring Equinox

Wishing everyone a most Blessed Spring Equinox, the rites we gather and celebrate are truly in our hearts and there is not always a need to be in a public or large circle, we manifest and cast our own circles… (Read more)

Invocation of the Moon

Hail to you oh, Goddess, the Moon, blessed lady, fortunate, cold and moist, temperate and beautiful. Of all the planets you are the head and key, your movement is smooth, you have shining light, lady of happiness and joy, of… (Read more)

Neapolitan Witchcraft

This is a work in which is public domain and it shares some of the ancient charms and spells used by the Strega to calm storms, bring lost lovers home, keep lovers faithful and more. It is for the serious Magi and those who know how to work magic.

The Old Religion & the Law of Attraction

By Ariana Clausen – Vélez 2013 July “The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open”  The Kybalion. The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon… (Read more)

What is an Astral Initiation Anyway?

 What is an Astral Initiation Anyway? By Ariana Clausen – Vélez When we look at one’s initiation what does it truly mean to you, the individual?  Is it man validating you and giving you a title, a position, credentials to throw… (Read more)