The Face of Diana

The Face of Diana, is one of many faucets she is a Mother, a Hunter, Protector, Daughter, Sister, Wife, she is a Queen in which she requires great sacrifice of her Priestesses and loves all creatures and humanity. She is… (Read more)


Abracadabra A magical spell consisting of a single word, which was popular in medieval times to get rid of illness, misfortune or Demons [There were both good and bad demons and demons capable of both kinds of behaviour. The study… (Read more)

Feline Magic

Feline’s were and are a sacred creature of the night and magic as well as walkers between the realms and of the Underworld.

Cross Post: A Fertile Lupercalia to You!

Today is the festival of Lupercalia, the ancient Roman observance of fertility and the coming spring. Not to be confused with a certain commercialized martyr’s celebration held yesterday, Lupercalia is a holiday sacred to the god Faunus, and the mythical she-wolf… (Read more)